
React vs React Native – A Difference Between The Two

Introduction to React and React Native

Two of the most popular and widely used frameworks, React and React Native, have been competing for the attention of developers and businesses alike. While both share some commonality, they cater to distinct needs and use cases. In this post, we’ll take a closer look into the key differences, similarities, and use cases of React and React Native, helping you choose the right one for your career. So, without any further ado, let’s get into it!

Introduction to React and React Native

In the world of web and mobile app development, the names React and React Native have become synonymous with building fast, scalable, and efficient applications.

React, initially released in 2013, is a JavaScript library that is mainly utilized for building user interfaces. It’s a great choice for creating reusable UI components and managing the state of complex applications. React’s virtual DOM enables fast rendering and updates, making it a go-to choice for building dynamic web applications.

On the other hand, React Native, which was released to the public in 2015, is a framework for building native mobile apps using React and JavaScript. It allows developers to create mobile apps for Android and iOS using a single codebase, leveraging the power of React to build performant, native-like experiences. By bridging the gap between web and mobile development, React Native has become a popular choice for businesses seeking to expand their reach across multiple platforms.

React – A JavaScript Library For the Web

When it comes to building anything for the web, React is the clear winner. As a JavaScript library, React is specifically designed to make building reusable UI components a breeze.

  • With React, you can create fast, scalable, and maintainable web applications that provide a great user experience. Its virtual DOM ensures that your application updates quickly and efficiently, making it perfect for complex, data-driven applications.
  • Additionally, React has a vast ecosystem of third-party libraries. Tools such as Redux and Webpack make it easy to manage state, handle routing, and optimize performance.
  • Whether you’re building a simple web page or a complex single-page application, React provides the flexibility and power to bring your vision to life.

With its strong focus on component-driven architecture, React makes it easy to break down your application into smaller, reusable pieces, making it a joy to work with for developers of all skill levels.

React Native – Building for Mobile

When it comes to building mobile applications and a head-to-head competition between React Native vs Flutter, React Native comes out ahead.

As a framework, it’s specifically designed to help developers build native mobile apps for both iOS and Android using a single codebase. This means that you can share code between platforms, reducing the time and effort required to develop and maintain your app. With React Native, you can create a seamless user experience that feels native to the platform, without having to learn platform-specific languages like Java or Swift.

  • One of the biggest advantages of React Native is its ability to use native components, which allows for a more fluid and responsive user interface. This means that your app will look and feel like it was built specifically for the platform, rather than being a hybrid app that’s trying to mimic a native experience.
  • Additionally, React Native’s architecture is designed to provide fast and efficient performance, making it ideal for complex and data-intensive apps.
  • And, with a large and active community of developers, there are plenty of resources available to help you overcome any challenges you may encounter.

So, if you’re looking to build a mobile app that provides a native experience, React Native is definitely the way to go.

A Closer Look At React’s Virtual DOM

The main thing that puts React on a whole other level is its Virtual DOM, which was mentioned earlier too. In layman’s terms, it is a virtual representation of an application’s UI, which greatly enhances the framework’s performance. Unlike traditional DOM designs, where every change would be followed by a complete refresh, React’s Virtual DOM acts as a middleman, allowing for rapid updates without the need for costly DOM mutations.

When a component’s state changes, React updates the DOM. Afterward, a diffing algorithm is used, which allows for the changes made in the virtual DOM to be implemented into the real DOM. This process, known as reconciliation, enables React to maintain a state across renders.

The Virtual DOM’s benefits extend beyond performance gains. It also enables more efficient debugging, as the entire application state is easily accessible and inspectable. Additionally, the Virtual DOM allows for better server-side rendering.

How React Native Allows Native Development

In traditional React development, accessing native components would require a significant amount of native code, which can require a lot of time and would result in increased maintenance costs. However, React Native enables developers to write JavaScript code that can interact with native components, allowing for faster and more efficient development.

This means that developers can create apps that are not only fast and responsive but also capable of tapping into the device’s native features, such as taking photos, accessing location services, or even using biometric identification, for added security.

In addition, React Native’s bridge to native components also provides a more seamless user experience, as it allows developers to create apps that feel and behave like native apps, without the need for complex native code.

React Native vs React – Performance Comparison

When it comes to performance, both React and React Native have their strengths and weaknesses. React, being a JavaScript library for building user interfaces, relies on the browser’s rendering engine to display components. This means that React’s performance is heavily dependent on the device it is being used on and the browser being chosen. While React’s virtual DOM ensures efficient updates and reduces the number of DOM mutations, it can still be slow on lower-end devices or in complex applications.

On the other hand, React Native, being a framework for building native mobile applications, makes use of the native components and APIs of each mobile platform (iOS and Android) to render UI components. This native rendering approach gives React Native a significant performance boost, making it well-suited for complex, interactive, and graphics-intensive applications. Additionally, React Native’s architecture allows for better performance optimization, as it can take advantage of the native platform’s capabilities, such as multi-threading and GPU acceleration.

But when it comes to comparing both, there is no direct comparison. As React and React Native, both, are designed for different purposes, one cannot put them in the same scenario. A more sensible comparison would be Flutter vs React Native or React vs Svelte.

Community Support and Resources

React, being a more mature framework, has a massive community of developers who have contributed to its ecosystem over the years. With a plethora of online tutorials, documentation, and forums, you’ll never be short on resources to help you overcome any obstacles. From Stack Overflow to GitHub, React’s community has answers to almost all questions novice developers face.

On the other hand, React Native, being a relatively newer framework, has a slightly smaller but still rapidly growing community. While it may not have the same level of resources as React, it’s still backed by Facebook and has a dedicated team of developers working on it. With over 2 million weekly downloads, there is almost a 100% certainty that there will be answers to all questions.


They do say to never judge a book by its cover. A deep dive into these two brings this statement to life. They are indeed very different things. From a simple JS library to a full-fledged framework, both serve different purposes. We hope that this blog helped in clarifying the difference between react and react native.


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